The Cross-Cultural Health Care Rotation seeks to provide an opportunity for service for medical students, nursing students, mid-level practitioners and practicing professionals in helping to deliver health care at the Rasin Foundation’s medical clinic in Leogane, Haiti.
This program enables the participants to develop a deeper understanding of the determinants of health in a semi-rural community, master the art of history and physical exam as the most accurate method of formulating a differential diagnosis in resource limited settings, initiate public health interventions while developing competency in the Haitian culture. Opportunities also exist for the sharing of knowledge with local health care practitioners through lectures and workshops. In addition, there will be site visits to local hospitals, schools and with spiritual leaders.
The Cross-Cultural program is directed by Dr. Arielle Adrien, 3rd year clerkship site director and assistant professor of medicine at Tuft’s University School of Medicine. She is also board president of Rasin Foundation, a small Massachusetts based non-profit organization dedicated to improving rural health in Haiti. Co-Director is Jill Hallisey NP MSN also a board member.
Dates – March 31- April 12
Cost $550/week, room, board and in country transportation included.
For more information please contact:
Dr. Adrien at 857-234-1679 or or Jill Hallisey 617-686-1725
20012 Haitian creole and cultural immersion program
Kiskeya Guest House is pleased to announce a 2 week intensive Haitian creole and cultural immersion program in Petite-Riviere, Leogane (Haiti) on January 15-January 28, 2012. The program is geared towards health care workers, volunteers and relief workers seeking cultural competency and/or to assist in the post-earthquake reconstruction of Haiti. Participants will gain a greater understanding of the Haitian culture and learn the basics of the Haitian creole language through a combination of workshops, one to one pairing with native speakers and language practice with community residents and/or at a medical clinic.
Course fee: $400
Transportation (in country), meals and lodging expenses: $550
The setting: Kiskeya Guest House is an environmentally friendly guest house situated Kiskeya Aqua Ferme, a 10 acre organic farm in Petite-Riviere, Leogane. It is is supported by a grant from the InterAmerican Fund/Haitian Hometown Association Resource Group. To learn more about us, please see the attached brochure or the farm at
To register for the program, please email: or contact Marjorie Desanges @ (617) 433-7003 or John Walter Charite 011 (509) 3611-3619
The program is limited to 10 participants.