We are fortunate to be able to partner with Hospital St. Croix in Leogane and visiting surgeons from Boston and Michigan to provide surgical services to patients at our health center, Sant Sante Tirivyè. Minor procedures can be done at the clinic but larger procedures like hysterectomies need to be done in a hospital OR. Unfortunately the only hospital in town is a private hospital and there is a fee for surgeries which our patients are not able to afford. The goal of our surgical fund is to provide funding for patients in need of surgery who are unable to afford the fee. For less than the cost of the copay in the US, we can usually provide all the funding necessary for surgery and a hospital stay. Your donation of $250 will help cover the costs of surgery for a patient in need. Surgical services are often not included in medical problems in developing countries. We are fortunate to have generous partners in the US and Haiti to be able to provide this service to some of our patients. We need your help to keep this program running. Than you for your support.