It might take you a few seconds to recognize a common diagnosis in your field of expertise. To a nurse in a clinic with no electricity and limited diagnostic testing in the middle of cane field in rural Haiti it might be a bit more challenging. To the patient, your expertise and your 30 seconds of time may make the difference between the correct diagnosis and treatment and no treatment at all. In just a few seconds your expertise could help make the right diagnosis or provide locally appropriate treatment options or even link a patient to care elsewhere in Haiti or with a visiting physician who just happens to be in the country.

The Rasin Foundation would like your help to link our nurse, Miglese Bourdeau and our clinic in the Cheridan region of Leogane to expert consultation around the world. Using the WhatsApp application you can text to and from Haiti at no charge.

What you can provide:

  • Help with differential diagnosis
  • Diagnostic suggestions within the limitations of a resource poor medical environment
  • Treatment options that might be available in Haiti
  • Connections to colleagues in Haiti who might be able to help

You are not committing to respond to every text and can answer any or all texts as your time, expertise and interest permit. You can sign up for any field that you would like to be included in.

All communications are done in English using the smartphone ap – What’s Ap.

To sign up to participate complete the on line application.

Available on-site testing includes – glucose, urinalysis, HIV, hematocrit, GC, Chlamydia, trichomonas, typhoid, malaria
